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We hear a report wher there is fog and visibility is less than two mile for example. So, do I need to see farther than that?

Posted - April 21


  • .

    Well, you can do what I did many years ago when I was driving over a treacherous mountain pass with deadly drop off's on both sides of the road. It was at nighttime in fog so heavy I could not see the road in front of my vehicle.  The vehicle lights went out and I had four children in the back.  Unable to see the side of the road because it didn't exist at the top of the mountain(I had driven the route before); I held the car door open (so I could see the white line in the road) with one hand and the steering wheel with the other. As long as I could see the white line we were safe and we made it over the pass, thankfully, pulled into the first gas station where my car immediately died.  Thank you Jesus, again.  :  )  It was not a short drive, there may have been a shoulder at some point but in the heavy fog it was invisible.  Which is a good thing, had I pulled over we may have become stuck on the mountain. 

    Have had a few harrowing driving experiences in my lifetime, but they all have different stories. This one was the scariest for sure. 

    This post was edited by . at April 22, 2024 4:56 PM MDT
      April 21, 2024 8:11 PM MDT